The main festival exhibition – “Animal Planet"
Curator: Anita Bialic
Exhibition open: 13.10.2014 – 31.10.2014
Shige Fujishiro – Japonia/Niemcy; Jesse Günther – Irlandia; Karen Lise Krabbe – Dania; Andrzej Kucharski – Polska;
Martine Luttringer – Francja; Martin Muranica – Słowacja; Inge Panneels – Belgia/Wielka Brytania; Wojciech Peszko – Polska;
Mare Saare – Estonia; Janine Claudia Schimkat – Holandia; Stanisław Sobota – Polska; Ivana Šrámková – Czechy;
Margit M. Tóth – Węgry; Małgorzata ET BER Warlikowska – Polska
In the Brothers Grimm fairy tale the wolf devours the grandma, and then Red Riding Hood.
In Janusz Styczeń’s poem the grandma is the big bad wolf from whom Red Riding Hood flees. In the animal world might makes right; it is a ruthless, blood-thirsty struggle for survival. The animal kills in search of food and to defend its territory.
“Might makes right” increasingly governs man’s behavior. Violence and aggression have become widespread in today’s world. Modern technology is killing our sensitivity. The bloody execution of American reporter James Foley was seen by millions of people around the globe through the Internet.
We protest the killing of animals, and we make a public spectacle out of the death of a man. We are becoming more and more refined in our cruelty. And increasingly indifferent toward violence and death.
Animal Planet. A Planet of People.Our shared contemporary world.
Anita Bialic – curator