„Masters of Polish Glass Art 1949 – 2019"
Stanisław Borowski; Jerzy Chodurski; Małgorzata Dajewska; Jan Drost; Pati Dubiel; Zbigniew Horbowy; Ludwik Kiczura; Marzena Krzemińska-Baluch; Kazimierz Pawlak; Sebastian Pietkiewicz; Aleksander Puchała; Monika Rubaniuk; Wszewłod Sarnecki; Jerzy Słuczan-Orkusz; Henryk Albin Tomaszewski; Eryka Trzewik-Drost; Regina Włodarczyk-Puchała; Czesław Zuber
Curators: Justyna Wierzchucka, Adam Wlodarczyk
Project concept: Anita Bialic
Art Gallery in Legnica – RING Gallery – Legnica – Rynek 12
Exhibition open: 18.10.2019 – 16.11.2019
Opening: 18.10.2019, 6 pm
Guided curator show with a display of stained glass – Adam Włodarczyk – 11.11.2019, 12.00 – 16.00
Exhibition Masters of Polish Glass Art 1949 – 2019 will present the work of the eighteen Polish glass artists, both creating art objects, as well as designing commercial glass artefacts.
The main objective of the project Masters of Polish Glass Art 1949 – 2019 is to document and popularise the achievements of three generations of Polish glass artists. The works selected for the exhibition will make it possible to trace the diversity of applied glass-making techniques, forms and creative philosophy of both recognised and distinguished artists in Polish art and design, as well as the younger generation of artists working intensively on their artistic portfolios. Treating glass in an individual and original way, they seek new forms of artistic expression and thus slowly and systematically build their masterful position in Polish artistic glass.
The exhibition is an attempt to show the multidimensionality and diversity of mastery in the difficult and still not very recognised field of art in Poland that is artistic glass. It is also a kind of provocation and encouragement to discuss selected objects and their authors, to define the notions of mastery and master in contemporary art and to answer the question whether the 70 years of existence of the "Wrocław School of Glass" is sufficient time to talk about the mastery of its graduates.
The exhibition will be accompanied by an on-line catalogue presenting and discussing the achievements of Polish glass artists whose works will be included in the exhibition.
The project Masters of Polish Glass Art 1949 – 2019 realised by the Fly with Art Foundation, is co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture.
Click to download the exhibition catalog ...