”Fun, Joke, Surprise” - main exhibition
Wrocław Główny Railway Station - 16.10. - 10.11.2012

Alexandru Ghildus - "Un posibil izvor al transparentei"
When organising exhibitions, I always tell stories. I think up an anecdote to suit every project. This was exemplified,
as it were, by the following projects realised in Denmark: Glass-a-porter – fashion featuring glass and glass inspired
by fashion at the Danish Museum of Art and Design, Garden Jewelry at the Roskilde Fine Arts Association and Anioły
(Angels) at the Marienlyst Slot Museum, which featured the participation of 30 Polish and 30 Danish artists…
The main exhibition at the European Glass Festival in Wrocław will also have its own theme and story.
For a long time, I was thinking about how to surprise the festivalgoers. What kind of project should be implemented?
Whom should I invite to participate in it?
Fun, Joke, Surprise…struck me as the most fitting theme. After all, we are living in times of crisis. Being assailed by reports
of catastrophe after catastrophe, we need some fun. We need entertainment.
I would hope that everybody will emerge from a viewing of the Fun, Joke, Surprise with a smile on their lips. Amused
and satisfied.
Works entered for the exhibition need not impress through a perfect command of glass techniques. First and foremost,
they must be surprising. Amusing. Maybe even weird and preposterous.
The three words fun, joke, surprise offer many opportunities for interpretation. It’s enough to give your imagination free rein.
I employed the assistance of Kazimierz Pawłak when choosing the artists. I carefully examined the materials
I found on the Net which related to the artists he recommended to me.
I have invited 12 splendid European glass artists to participate in the project. Every one of you has works in your oeuvre
which could be found in the organised exhibition. But I hope that each of you will prepare at least one new work to feature
in the exhibition.
Have fun with glass! Let’s have fun together at the exhibition!
Anita Bialic, curator